Up or Down

Fitness is a two way path, progression or regression.  There is no such thing as maintaining.  The up or down paths can move extremely slow but everyone is either improving on worsening their physical condition. 

I decided to post this entry because I haven’t posted in a long time and because this topic deserves some attention.  You have to pay rent to be fit.  What’s the currency?  Time, effort, research, healthy eating, pushing the limits, and certainly consistency.  I am behind on my rent by about 8 months.  I have done enough to slow the regression but it is still happening.  Maybe I’ll start on the path again, anyone want to join me?

Have Some Discipline

So I was on Facebook (like I am everyday) and saw an interesting post from flexonline (read it here).  This article basically talks about some smart ways to lose weight.  I can say I was in total agreement as I read the post.  When I was looking my best (pictured below) I followed a lot of the steps in the article.  I would say the biggest thing is controlling your diet.  Food is  awesome, but if diet is not properly managed gains will run away from you.  The biggest thing that anyone should take away from the article and this post is discipline.  All your fitness goals (and a lot of time your life goals) can be accomplished with discipline.  When my discipline was at its best I was incline pressing 90 lbs dumbbells for 8 reps in a super-set with dumbbell flys and bent over reverse grip rows and I was a heavy weight 155 lbs.  So have so discipline and reach your goals!


Another Day In The Books


What up everyone?  I haven’t been posting a lot because I was over thinking what I need to post, but not anymore.  I will just post what I enjoy and hope for some feedback from anyone that is interested.  Today I did back and chest and I feel good about the workout.  I do have to admit something though……..

I have not been to an actual gym since October of last year…….. Time wise it was just getting to be a bit much traveling to and from the gym and I was spending a lot of time there versus on the other priorities in my life.  I have gotten really relaxed/lazy with my diet.  I’m not counting calories anymore and I am just kind of eating whatever I see…….   However I think I am going to be back on top of my diet and get back to working out 5 to 6 times a week.  I don’t think I will be going back to the gym though.  I have been thinking about canceling the membership and saving the extra money.  I’ll miss my friends though.

Screen shots of my workout are details are below:



Leg Day

Leg Pic

Let me tell you.  Leg day is certainly a love hate relationship.  Up until about three months ago I had the hardest time making any progress with leg growth.  Things where so bad at one point I even contemplated giving up squats, but I love working out too much to just give up.  ….So I kept researching knee pain during squats and ways to really feel the impact of my workouts.

I read an article that direct to bend at the hips and let your hips support you on the way down.  This sparked a new meeting to “sitting down” when you squat.  I put the new technique into practice and my knee pain went away.  The next discovery I made while doing more research and observation at the gym was pre-exhaustion.  Basically I turned my workout upside down.  More reps and squats at the end.  Here is the workout:

Exercise 1 (Tri-Set):
Leg Extensions
3 – 4 Sets
20 – 50 Reps

Leg Curls
3 – 4 Sets
15 – 35 Reps

Standing Calf Raises
3 – 4 Sets
30 Reps

Exercise 2:
Leg Press
3 – 4 Sets
25 Reps
Add 90lbs Each Set

Exercise 3 (Super Set):
3 – 4 Sets
10 – 15 Reps

Sitting Calf Raises
3 – 4 Sets
30 Reps

Exercise 4 (Tri-Set):
3 – 4 Sets
10 – 15 Reps

Wrist Curls
3 – 4 Sets
10 Reps

Single Leg Sitting Calf Raises
3 – 4 Sets
10 Reps (each leg)

This workout has helped me get up to a 900lbs leg press, certainly not necessary but cool. As always make sure to be safe by using correct form and appropriate weight. I still have a lot of work to do but I feel like I am certainly on the right path.

Room for Error


So, cheat meal or even cheat weekend is always my favorite.  I am a true believer that anyone following a strick diet should have at least one cheat meal a week.  This cheat meal gives the body a little of the bad stuff it needs and more importantly it is a mental release.  Having a cheat meal can help keep a person mentally balanced and provide a goal to work towards.  When I’m engaged in my super strict diet plan having a cheat meal to look forward to is awesome and gives me a reason to keep my discipline.

Now the purpose of this post is to discuss room for error. Basically being able to get away eating what others can’t. Once you have truly reached your goals and you have a “look” most people want diet becomes more of an art than a strict regiment that has to be followed day in and day out. When still in the habit building phase on my training and diet I would not dare eat more than one true cheat meal a week and at best 100 calories of sweets a day (most days I did no sweets). Once my physique and body fat percentage were at an optimal level thats when the fun really began.

Now and days I take the weekend off from my strict diet.  Its fun because I am able to hangout with my friends.  Go to brunch and never have to worry about counting a single calorie.  Now, I do try to eat most foods that will make my body feel good.  There is nothing worse than feeling sluggish all day.  On the weekends I enjoy food.  After the weekend though its back to business.  I make sure to not throw all my hard work away by going back to a healthy body builder type diet.  Monday through Thursday I keep my calorie count between 1600 to 2200 calories.  This a big range but it gives me room to wiggle when I am going to have a heavy lifting day.

The take away.  Make sure you look the way you want to look be letting up on your diet.  Until you reach your goals you have to be disciplined.  Once you reach your goals you have more room for error.  So you can eat a Five Guys burger and an entire &Pizza and not worry about it.

Back & Prosterier Delts



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Do you have a sexy back? Back day has started to become a favorite of mines. The back is a very large muscle group and allows for some very good growth potential. Below is an outline of a back workout that I use to make some pretty good gains. For this particular routine I combine direct workouts for three muscle groups in the back. The lats, posterior delts, and the traps.
To me, combining these muscle groups is logical because they all require pulling motions. Realizing all these motions bring the weights closer to a person’s body means they all work similar supporting muscles. The primary supporting muscle being worked is the bicep. If you work back and posterior delt exercises hard enough your biceps will get the work they need making the amount of direct work needed minimal.
One tip I can offer for back workouts is focus on the higher-end of the rep range. Your back is used a lot daily so it takes more reps to really get the full advantage of a workout. I have read that opinion in a couple of different places and it has also helped my back growth. Now to the good part, the workout.
This entire workout is made up of super sets:
Super Set One –
Bent Over Barbell Rows & Behind the Back Shrugs
3 – 6 sets
8 – 12 reps
Super Set Two –
Cable Seated Row &
One Arm Upright Row
3 – 6 sets
8 – 12 reps
Super Set Three –
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown &
Bent over Reverse fly
3 – 6 sets
8 – 12 reps
Super Set Four –
Dumbbell One Arm Row &
Cable Reverse Fly &
Alternating Bicep Curls
3 – 6 sets
8 – 12 reps

How to Recover from Vacation

So I had an awesome Birthday and great nine day vacation all wrapped into one…..  So what did I do? I ate food like every meal was my last meal.  The outcome?  I  gained 16 pounds and a nice round belly.  Am I worried? Nope.  Two facts keep me confident that I will soon be 150 again (Saturday I was 166 and Sunday I was 163, probably mostly water weight).  Fact 1. I worked out 7 of my 8 designated workout days.  Fact 2.  I  know how to adjust my diet to accomplish  my goals.  So below is a picture of me not flexing and flexing my abs.  Lets see how long it takes for me to get back to my bragging weight.  My goal is to post a progress picture once a week untill I hit 150.  Stay tuned during the process, I will be posting my daily workouts.


Not Created Equal


All workouts are not created equal.  What does this really mean?  Exactly what it says, not all workouts are created equal.   It took me awhile after I started working out to realize some days in the gym are going to be better than others. 

When an individual begins working out there will be rapid improvements.  The early stage improvements can set unbelievably high expectations.   I have two experiences with starting a fitness program, once when I was younger and about two and half years ago.  Both times I hit sweet spots in my routines where it seemed like I was going up ten pounds every week in all my large compound exercises.   During these times I started doing calculations and planning,  thinking bench pressing 300 in no time consisted of some simple calculations.  Well needless to say that was not exactly the situation.

I soon realized after I started hitting certain levels improvements had to be apart of a plan.  Meaning weeks I got less and didn’t eat right or drank to much my workouts suffered.   Stress from work and mental exhaustion also had a negative impact on my workouts.   The key through all this was to keep working out.  Some days I couldn’t push as hard or do as many reps.  I couldn’t lift as much weight but I could keep working towards incremental improvements.  

My workouts that were down in the dumps were the workouts that have helped me stay slim and gain more definition.   The tough workouts I pushed through have helped me gain better overall strength.  

Just remember all workouts are not created equal.

Chest Day

Chest Day: always my favorite workout day of the week. Every since I was a little kid I wanted to bench press with my dad and got my first chance when I turned 12.  From that day on most of my workout focus has been on upper body push exercises.   Below is an example of a workout I may do:

The Workout:
Flat Barbell Bench Press
3 – 6 sets
8 – 12 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press
3 – 6 sets
8 – 12 reps
Cable Chest Press
3 – 6 sets
8 – 12 reps
Dips / Weighted Dips
3 – 6 sets
8 – 12 reps
Cable Tricep Extensions
3 – 6 sets
8 – 12 reps

The Workout Explained:
So, when you start out do at least one of your bench press sets as a warm up (that goes for any exercise you may do first).  It is important to do to warm up so your muscles can get ready for the workout ahead of them.  I usually do large compound movements at the beginning of my workouts.   I do large compound movements first because they work the most muscles.  For example the triceps and the anterior deltoids are stabilizing muscles for the bench press.  When these two muscle groups are fresh it allows the ability to lift more challenging loads versus doing the bench press after those groups have already been fatigued.  The simple design of this workout is built to get the maximum work from the larger pecs and smaller triceps in such a way to allow for the most benefit.

Be smart during your workouts.  Push to the last rep that you can successfully do without hurting yourself.   Whenever possible workout with a partner that can spot you.  If you workout alone at a gym ask one of your fellow patrons for a spot.  If you workout at home alone know your limits.  Be safe during your workouts to avoid injury.  Fitness is a marathon not a sprint.

Go Hard or Go Home (Explained)

“Go hard or go home”, is a very interesting saying that is most likely meant to be encouraging. Even though the intention is good the impact can probably be harmful. 

For the beginner going hard could truly just mean the act of going to the gym.  Making exercise a part of a daily/weekly schedule should be the first step in the journey to fitness.  If a fitness newcomer skips straight to high intensity the chances of discouragement increase.  Discouragement appears in numerous forms, some which are: extreme soreness, no immediate results, injury, and confusion.  If a discouraging factor takes hold earlier on it could end all the good before it begins.  So, once the habit of exercise has been established it is easier to turn up the intensity. 

In the midst of of the excitement and motivation to workout it is key to learn and know one’s body.  The knowledge will help with applying the appropriate amount of intensity during a workout.   Enough intensity to facilitate improvement but just shy of injury.  The best way to judge the intensity of a workout is to compare it to other workouts you have completed.  Push yourself past your last recorded results.  Give it all you can.

So instead of going hard or going home.  Always go and put in work.

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